Personalizing your emails with 3 useful hacks

Customize your email reminders and notifications with SuperSaaS
Jul 6, 2018 4 min read
Personalizing your emails with 3 useful hacks

Automatic messages can come across as impersonal and cold. SuperSaaS puts control of your scheduling service back in your hands to say what you want to say. Through message customization, you can make your customers feel like more than just a number and increase their satisfaction with your business.

In this blog post, we’ll share 3 quick hacks for increasing the effectiveness of your automated reminders & confirmation messages. You’ll find out how you can address your customers by their name, display their unique customer ID for quick reference, share the length of their appointment, customize your messages based on certain conditions, add your own subject line, and remove system-generated text to replace with your own custom message.

Super Hack #1: Personalize your messages with user details

Letting your end users know they are more than just another nameless client is an important part of keeping them happy with your service. That means adding a personal touch to every email or notification you send them. All messages in SuperSaaS can be customized by adding the magic words (or keyword shortcuts) in your message. Here are some useful shortcuts to personalize your notifications, which you may find helpful:

  • $name: Often, you request your users to share their name while creating a booking on your schedule. You can use this $name magic word to customize your messages to address your users by their full name (as entered while creating a new booking). Addressing your customers by their name will not only develop a quick connection but will also show them that you value them.
  • $length: You can use this magic word to display the length of the appointment, as booked by the user. This feature comes in handy when you allow your users to select the duration of an appointment, instead of offering them fixed-length appointments.
  • $begin_time and $finish_time: To avoid any confusion about the timing of an appointment, you can use the $begin_time magic word to display the start time of the appointments. In case you also want to show the end time of the appointment, you can do so by using the $finish_time magic word.

You can customize these messages on your SuperSaaS dashboard via Schedule Name > Configure > Layout > Message to add to email confirmation of the reservations. This is how it will appear for the users after adding the magic words:

Personalize email with name, length, start time and finish time

Super Hack #2: Add a Unique Reference ID for your customers

The unique reference ID of your customers makes it easier for you and your staff members to track the details of your customers once the registration is complete. It’s easier to look up and view the details of their appointment and their purchases with a unique reference ID.

  • $id: Adding this magic word will display the unique reference number to your customers on the checkout screen. This number will also be displayed on the “Thank You” screen for the submitted forms.

You can customize the message to display the unique reference ID via Schedule Name > Configure > Layout > Message to add to email confirmations. This is how it will appear for the users after adding the above-mentioned magic word:

Personalize email with name, length, start time and finish time

Super Hack #3: Remove system-generated text to display only custom text based on certain conditions

The system can send confirmation email to the users in different scenarios. One of the most commonly used scenarios is sending a confirmation mail to confirm the creation of an appointment. You may want to customize your messages according to your business requirements, whether to impart useful details or to strengthen your branding.

However, this confirmation email can be different based on your account settings. The confirmation mail can also be sent in other scenarios like confirming a place on the waiting list, or approval/cancellation of the appointment. You can use the $if $else statements to customize your messages based on certain conditions.

You can use a combination of these magic words to create your customized communication:

  • $if $else: You can configure the system to send different messages based on certain conditions with the use of $if magic word. You can use predefined user conditions to send a message to the user when the condition is true using $if condition {message}. Generally, the $if statement is used in combination with the $else statement. The syntax to use the $if $else statement is $if condition {message 1} $else {message 2}. You can get a clearer picture of how to implement this with an example shown below: Personalize email with name, length, start time and finish time Some of the conditions available after the $if statement are: created, changed, deleted, approved, refunded, placed_on_waiting_list, changed_on_waiting_list, removed_from_waiting_list and placed (moved from the waiting list to a regular appointment). The $if $else magic words can be used in combination with other magic words to create more customized messages.
  • $subject: The $subject magic word allows you to customize the subject line of your email reminders. When you use the $subject keyword, the rest of the line is used as the subject line of the email. You may also use other magic words in this subject line for personalization.
  • $replace: You can use the $replace magic word to completely override the default system-generated text to display only the text that you want to display.
  • $details: In case you want to override the other text and retain the appointment details, you can use the $details magic word in addition to $replace magic word to display your text along with the system-generated appointment details. This will save you time and provide your customers with the information they require.

You can customize these messages on your SuperSaaS dashboard via Schedule Name > Configure > Layout > Message to add to the email confirmations you send. This is what the default confirmation appears for the end user: Personalize email with name, length, start time and finish time

This is how it will appear for the users after adding the magic words:

Personalize email with name, length, start time and finish time

We hope you find these tips & tricks useful while dealing with your SuperSaaS schedule. If you want to explore many more useful suggestions and keyword shortcuts, you can find them on the Support Page > Layout> Customize notifications & reminders with SuperSaaS page.

For any additional questions, please get in touch through our feedback form.