Linking SuperSaaS to your task management tool

Create tasks automatically with every new appointment
Jun 7, 2018 3 min read
Linking SuperSaaS to your task management tool

Staying on top of things can seem impossible. That‘s why it’s always a good idea to keep track of all your tasks with the help of one of the many task management tools that can be found online. That’s why SuperSaaS has created a couple of integration templates that will automate processes for you using Asana, Todoist and Things. With every new appointment that is made in your SuperSaaS schedule, the process creates a task in the tool of your choosing.


We’ve discussed the wonderful possibilities of webhooks before. Webhooks provide a way for one application to communicate and trigger processes with another connected application in real-time. At SuperSaaS, we create these connections through the Zapier and Make programs, which can easily help you establish communications between multiple tools. Now we’ve added a couple of new templates for you that will automatically update your to-do list.

The webhooks will create a new task in one of the task management tools. All the basic steps are covered, but you can adjust the task management tool options to better fit your wants and needs. You could add your own notes, allow the task to generate when a reminder message is sent from SuperSaaS, or let the task be sent to a specific person.

This is how it works

In the following example we wanted to create a task for every meeting room that was booked, and the task would contain notes on everything that needed to be set up in that particular meeting room. With the integration set up —in either Zapier or Make— this is the automated process:

  • A user goes to our schedule and makes an appointment for the desired meeting room with all the special requests detailed (i.e. coffee or tea, lunch or snack, etc.).
  • The information is sent to Zapier or Make, and they relay the information to the task management tool being used.
  • The task management tool creates a task with all the details from the appointment.

There are more examples of how helpful these integrations are for smooth operations. For instance, we wanted to let the custodial staff know when there is a break between meetings in the room so that they can come in, clean the room, and re-set it for the next function. This can be done easily by:

  • The meetings booked on the SuperSaaS calendar will have a specified beginning and end times.
  • The information about the time is sent to Zapier or Make, and they communicate these details to the tool.
  • The task management tool will send a notification to the custodial staff about the end of the meeting 30 minutes prior, giving them enough time to collect supplies and be ready to tidy the space.

One more example could involve planning for an art class. It is highly important that the art teacher is notified ahead of time about how many people will attend the class and how many canvases or other supplies he may need. There is now an easy way to do this using the task management tool integration:

  • The art teacher sets up his SuperSaaS schedule to stop accepting reservations 48 hours before the class.
  • The scheduled attendance numbers are sent to the art teacher as well as a reminder to buy art supplies through the Zapier or Make integrations with Asana.

Pretty easy, right? This integration is specifically useful to keep track of the recurring tasks such as preparation work. You can add standard notes to the task that will appear every time. For instance, common instructions about set-up and protocol can be listed. A couple of the task management tools also allow for a specific team member to be linked to the task so that only they will get notified about the task in their inbox. You can add or change additional customized options as well, depending on the task management tool you use. Click one of the links below to start setting up your desired integration.


Using a Zapier account, you can find the integrations that SuperSaaS offers for task scheduling. You can get started by selecting one of these links that matches the task management software you use or wish to use in the future:


After creating or signing in to an Make account, you can find the integrations that SuperSaaS has for task management tools. Click on one of the links below to get started with connecting SuperSaaS to your task management tool of choice:

If you have questions related to SuperSaaS and its integrations, feel free to contact us.